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2025 Meeting Minutes

All posted minutes are subject to Board approval.


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6 p.m.


Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis. No guests were present.


A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2024 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.


The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for December was read by Ann Peterson with the following balances: $44,619.30  in the NOW Checking Account and $99,304.66  in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.


Clerk Davis presented the January disbursements in the amount of $198,229.35.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to transfer $135,000.00 to the NOW checking account and approve the monthly disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote. 



Northwood Technical College is seeking Board appointments.


Public Input: none


  1. Road Maintenance- Town roads were sanded.  Shady Lane was missed on Sunday, January 12th when town roads were plowed.  Gerald will speak with the county to ensure the routes are adjusted to include all town roads and appropriate turn around spots for the equipment.

  2. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to move the February meeting to Thursday, February 13, 2025 beginning at 6pm with the Town audit to follow.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


Gerald Graham motioned to adjourn at 6:19 pm.  The motion was seconded by Dan Ostrowski.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 6pm with the town audit to follow. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk


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