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A Local Community in Washburn County, WI
2024 Meeting Minutes
All posted minutes are subject to Board approval.
Monthly Meeting Minutes: Text
The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, and Treasurer Ann Peterson Clerk Christine Davis was absent with prior notification.
A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for December was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $12,979.87 in the NOW Checking Account and $82,707.77 in the Money Market Investment Account. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried without negative vote.
Treasurer Peterson presented the January disbursements in the amount of $147,466.77. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to transfer $120,000 from the money market account to the checking account and approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Washburn County Towns Association sent out a reminder and agenda for the unit meeting in January.
Northwest Regional Planning Commission sent a letter/invoice for the completed road reporting.
The District meetings will be held in April and they will have Board of Review training. Board members expressed an interest in watching the training on the computer again if able.
Public Input: None was offered.
Road Maintenance- The intersection of Oakridge Drive and State Highway 53 needs to be sanded better; people are sliding through the intersection when approaching State Highway 53 in the eastbound lane of Oakridge Drive. Gerald Graham will let Washburn County Highway Department know to place additional sand there.
The Board discussed if there were any other places that needed to be brushed back by the Highway Department but did not think any additional brushing was needed.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to set the 2023 Audit for Tuesday March 12, 2024 immediately following the regularly scheduled town board meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 6:26 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann L. Peterson, Treasurer
Monthly Meeting Minutes: Text
The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis. No guests were present.
A motion was made by Dan Ostrowsk and seconded by Chris Burkei to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2024 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for January was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $20,545.61 in the NOW Checking Account and $396,039.04 in the Money Market Investment Account. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried without negative vote.
Clerk Davis presented the February disbursements in the amount of $287,843.33. A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to transfer $255,000 from the money market account to the checking account and approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
Delmore Consulting sent out information regarding services they can provide for the new bridge and culvert reporting program.
Northwood Tech sent a letter advising of open board positions.
The State of Wisconsin sent a letter detailing Payment in Lieu of Tax information
Public Input: None was offered.
Road Maintenance- The Board discussed the new 6’-20’ structure inventory requirements. Culverts in the town will be evaluated for size. This topic will be reviewed at the March 12, 2024 meeting.
The Board discussed if there were any other places that needed to be brushed back by the Highway Department and will evaluate Lonely Lane for additional brushing needed.
Clerk Davis will be absent for the February 20, 2024 Spooner School Board Primary Election. She has appointed Ann Peterson as Deputy Clerk to preside over the election.
The Town Workman’s Comp and Liability insurance policies are up for renewal with Community Insurance. The Liability premium has increased $7. The Workman’s Comp premium has decreased $99. The premium for 2024 coverage is $2,223. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowsk and seconded by Chris Burkei to approve the renewal policy while declining any additional coverages. Motion carried without negative vote.
Several town residents have requested road ban allowances. Currently, the roads are not posted.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 6:23 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. with the Annual Audit to follow.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Davis, Clerk
Monthly Meeting Minutes: Text
The Town of Brooklyn Board Meeting for March 12, 2024
The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:15 p.m.
Attendance: Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis. No guests were present. Supervisor Chris Burke was absent by prearranged terms.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2024 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for February was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $3851.73 in the NOW Checking Account and $180,056.49 in the Money Market Investment Account. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried without negative vote.
Clerk Davis presented the March disbursements in the amount of $6,764.96. A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to transfer $5,000 from the money market account to the checking account and approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
A letter from Jim Dienstl notifying town officials the ATV club has additional signs available.
Clerk Davis received notification from Christopher Grimes of his intent to apply for the Mac Lake Tavern liquor license.
Public Input: None was offered.
Road Maintenance- The Board discussed the new 6’-20’ structure inventory requirements. Culverts in the town will be evaluated for size. A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to utilize the county for the inventory and filing requirements. Motion carried without negative vote.Brush mowing on Lonely Lane has been completed. The board will check with residents on Shady Lane for additional brushing needed.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham to schedule the Town open book meeting on May 8, 2024 and Board of Review on May 15, 2024 as recommended by Steve Norquist, assessor. Seconded by Dan Ostrowski. Motion carried without a negative vote.
Tim Davis presented a zoning request for Tax ID 7478, section 25.41-12. A motion was made by Gerald Graham to approve the request in order to bring the property into compliance with county regulations. Motion was seconded by Dan Ostrowski. Motion carried without a negative vote.
Gerald Graham and Dan Ostrowski will attend the WTA District meeting in Rice Lake on April 6, 2024. Clerk Davis will register both board members.
A motion was made by Dan Ostroski and seconded by Gerald Graham to adjourn at 6:43 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 following the Annual meeting that begins at 6pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Davis, Clerk
Monthly Meeting Minutes: Text
The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:34 p.m. following the annual meeting.
Attendance: Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson, and Clerk Christine Davis Guests present were Caryl Ligler and Karen Ostrowski.
A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2024 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for March was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $2,087.51 in the NOW Checking Account and $175,167.04 in the Money Market Investment Account. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried without negative vote.
Clerk Davis presented the amended disbursements for March in the amount of $6,667.46. The amended amount reflects a voided check written to Eloise Sylla. A motion was made byChris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the amended disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
Clerk Davis presented the April disbursements in the amount of $11,359.30. A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
Washburn County will again be offering a grant to Towns holding a clean up event.
The Spooner Library Bookmobile will continue service to the Town.
Public Input: The corner of Shady Lane and Oak Ridge is missing signage. Is it possible to increase the weight limits during road bans to 5 tons/axle.
Road Maintenance- The road inspection date will be set for Tuesday, April 30th beginning from the Town Hall at 5 pm.
A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski to accept the mowing bid for the Town hall and the Lampson Cemetery submitted by Morgan Lawn Care. Gerald Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried without a negative vote.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham to approve the MPIC insurance renewal. Dan Ostrowski seconded the motion. Motion carried without a negative vote.
A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski to renew the Town membership with WTA. Chris Burke seconded the motion. Motion carried without a negative vote.
The Gordon correctional facility is available to complete a spring clean up for the Lampson cemetery.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to adjourn at 7:14 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 6pm.
Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk
Monthly Meeting Minutes: Text
The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m..
Attendance: Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Treasurer Ann Peterson, and Clerk Christine Davis. Supervisor Dan Ostrowski was absent with prior arrangement. No guests were present.
A motion was made byChris Burke and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the minutes of the April 16, 2024 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for April was read by Treasurer Ann Peterson with the following balances: $14,248.95 in the NOW Checking Account and $175,282.22 in the Money Market Investment Account. A motion was made byGerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried without negative vote.
Clerk Davis presented the May disbursements in the amount of $9,919.36. A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burkei to approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Bridge Petition 50/50 guidelines were received.
Public Input: none
Road Maintenance- The road inspection was completed. The town will be seeking bids for paving west Birchwood Dr. Additionally, the town will be seeking information from the county to replace 1 culvert on Lakeside Rd. and potentially 2 culverts on Mack Lake Rd. The town is eligible to apply for the Bridge petition for the culvert on Lakeside. The town will seek pricing information for the county to install square posts for road signs. The road inspection report indicated several needs for town roads.
Gravel for Haines Rd
Say Hi Rd.will need grinding and blacktop work
Chip Sealing is needed on Lakeside Rd. north and 1 mile on Bramer Rd.
Several town roads could use some patching
The ARPA funds received will have all $23,795.16 allocated to safety and transportation. These funds will be obligated by December 2024.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham to set Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 9am-noon for the Town Clean up day. Additionally, the town will be accepting 10 tires per resident free of charge. The motion was seconded by Chris Burke. Motion carried without negative vote.
A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 6:54 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 6pm.
Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk
Monthly Meeting Minutes: Text
The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m..
Attendance: Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowsk, and Clerk Christine Davis. iTreasurer Ann Peterson was absent with prior arrangement. Guests present were Mark Anderson and Chris Veness..
A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2024 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for May was read by Clerk Davis with the following balances: $4334.49 in the NOW Checking Account and $175,437.41 in the Money Market Investment Account. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried without negative vote.
Clerk Davis presented the June disbursements in the amount of $6,475.04 A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to transfer 3500.00 to the checking from the money market account to cover the monthly disbursements.Motion carried without negative vote. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
Washburn County Clerk's Office notified that the Clean up grant funding was increased to $3000.
Spooner Funeral Home needs cemetery information updated.
Washburn County Board ratified the zoning request from Tim and Christy Davis
The Minong Fire Department and EMS services delivered their paperwork for the MOE
Public Input: none
Road Maintenance- County will provide an estimate for setting signposts for the town.
Bids for Birchwood Dr. were opened. Monarch Paving submitted a bid totaling $68,855.40 that included shouldering using 160 yards of material. SB Madison submitted a bid for shouldering only in the amount of $8652.50 to include 135 yds of gravel and additional gravel at $29-33/yd.
Washburn County Highway department submitted a bid for the project at $81095.04. However, the bid included 100 additional feet of roadway. The bid estimate without the 100 ft is $78,249.00. After discussion, Chairman Graham motioned to accept the Monarch bid for Birchwood Dr. with expectation for it to begin prior to July. Chris Burke seconded the motion. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Washburn county highway department presented an estimate for replacing a 36”x44’ culvert on Lakeside Rd with a 48”x44’ culvert. This project qualifies for the 50/50 county cost share petition. The estimate totals $14,218.43 for the project. A motion was made by Chairman Graham and seconded by Supervisor Dan Ostrowski to approve the culvert replacement. Motion carried without a negative vote.
ACH payment of the DLP utility bill is tabled.
Dan Ostrowski motioned to approve renewing Silver Lake Saloon’s liquor license. The new license will expire on June 30, 2025. The motion was seconded by Chris Burke. Motion carried without negative vote.
Chris Burke motioned to adjourn at 7:08 pm. The motion was seconded by Gerald Graham. Motion carried with a negative vote.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 6pm.
Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk
Monthly Meeting Minutes: Text
The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m..
Attendance: Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Dan Ostrowsk, Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis. Supervisor Chris Burke was absent with prior arrangement. Guest present was Larry Radzak from Scott Construction..
A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2024 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for June was read by Treasurer Ann Peterson with the following balances: $5813.72 in the NOW Checking Account and $172,278.39 in the Money Market Investment Account. A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried without negative vote.
Clerk Davis presented the July disbursements in the amount of $6,482.50 A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the monthly disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
Washburn County Highway Department sent an updated estimate for the Lakeside Road culvert replacement.
Death certificate was received for Jeanne Lindenfelser
Public Input: none
Road Maintenance- The Washburn county highway department presented a revised estimate for replacing a 36”x44’ culvert on Lakeside Rd with a 54”x44’ culvert. A larger culvert is required by the DNR. This project qualifies for the 50/50 county cost share petition. The estimate totals $15,204.91 for the project. A motion was made by Chairman Graham and seconded by Supervisor Dan Ostrowski to approve the culvert replacement and estimate. Motion carried without a negative vote.
Scott Construction submitted bids for chip sealing Lakeside Rd from Hwy F north to Palmer Dr. and Bramer Rd from Cty K to town line. The estimate for Lakeside Rd is $24,310.00. The bid for Bramer Rd is $44,750.00 and includes a ⅜” layer topped with ¼” layer. After reviewing the budget for 2024, Chairman Graham made a motion to accept the bid for chip sealing Bramer Rd. The motion was seconded by Dan Ostrowski. Motion carried without a negative vote. The board will revisit the option to chip seal Lakeside Rd later in the fall.
Resident Brent Greden sent pictures and submitted his concerns pertaining to the Silver Lake boat launch. He is requesting the board install no parking signs at the landing. At this time, the board will not be installing signs. However, the board wants to remind the community to please be considerate of others while using the public landing. If anyone sees unlawful behavior, please call the county sheriff.
Dan Ostrowski motioned to adjourn at 6:34 pm. The motion was seconded by Gerald Graham. Motion carried without a negative vote.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 6pm.
Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk
Monthly Meeting Minutes: Text
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