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2022 Archived Meeting Minutes

May 2022


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:08 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham; Supervisor Dan Ostrowski; Supervisor Chris Burke; Clerk Christine Davis. Guests present were Frank Glaser and Brian Vosberg.  Treasurer Ann Peterson was absent with prior notice.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the minutes of the April  2022 monthly meeting.  Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for April was read by Christy Davis with the following balances:  $25,598.94 in the NOW Checking Account and $159,085.41 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the May bills for approval in the amount of $4,560.92.   A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.

Correspondence: Letter from Duane Sawyer. Letter from Washburn County Forestry concerning timber sales. Letter from Washburn County concerning the Bridge Petition guidelines for application.

Public Input: Concerns over the Silver Lake Landing and plans to improve.  The board is waiting for a response from the DNR to approve filling with rock and gravel to raise the parking area.


Road Maintenance- Roads will continue to be maintained as needed. Some roads need to be graded. Crack filling will be done where needed. Bids will be sought to pave and shoulder Brooklyn Road and east Palmer Dr.

The town will be creating a website using the WIX web developer site. The web address is

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to adjourn the meeting at 6:49 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 6 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Davis, Clerk

June Meeting


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham; Supervisor Chris Burke; Treasurer Ann Peterson; Clerk Christine Davis. Guest present was Kitty Wagoner. Supervisor Dan Ostrowski was absent with prior notice.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the minutes of the May 2022 monthly meeting.  Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for May was read by Ann Peterson with the following balances:  $22,023.62 in the NOW Checking Account and $159,639.72 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the June bills for approval in the amount of $1,948.33.   A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote. Clerk Davis will contact Federated Co-op concerning tax exempt status. Clerk Davis will contact the Spooner Advocate concerning statutory legal notice pricing.

Correspondence: Letter from Washburn County Clerk’s office concerning the Fall Clean up Grant Program. Letter from Washburn County Zoning concerning recent variance request. 

Public Input: 


  1. Road Maintenance- Roads will continue to be maintained as needed. A motion was made by Gerald Graham to accept a proposal from Scott Construction to crack fill on Palmer Rd, Oak Ridge Dr., Lakeside Rd. and Copp Ln. The motion was seconded by Chris Burke.  Motion carried without a negative vote.  Silver Lake Landing has been repaired.  

  2. The WTA cannot provide specific legal advice concerning the drafted campground ordinance submitted by the Preserve Washburn County group. Clerk Davis will contact a lawyer to receive an estimated cost for consultation.

  3. Gerald Graham motioned to approve the liquor license renewals for Mac Lake Tavern and Silver Lake Saloon.  Chris Burke seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

  4. Steve Norquist presented a renewal contract for assessment services.  The contract covers 4 years and a full re-evaluation for all town properties.  Chris Burke motioned to accept the contract renewal.  Motion was seconded by Gerald Graham.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

  5. Kitty Wagoner presented information concerning the Minong Area Senior Center.  The center is independently run and charges $5/year for its voting members.  The center provides meals, activities and social gatherings for seniors 55+. All the monthly activities are published in the Weekender and Spooner Advocate at the beginning of each month. Currently, the center is raising funds to complete a parking lot repave project with expenses of $60,000. Two ways the community can participate are to donate items for a live auction to be held on July 16 or participate in the variety show being held Sunday, August 14th at 2pm. They are looking for vocal talent and skits. See the flyer posted for more information. In response to the need and due to the center’s focus in serving the community, Gerald Graham motioned to donate $1000.00 to the center as a one time payment.  The motion was seconded by Chris Burke. Motion carried without a negative vote.  The board is also recommending the center re-evaluate ways to increase revenue and develop long lasting relationships with benefactors or the county to assist with future financial burdens.  

  6. The website for the town is live.  Find news, agendas and meeting minutes at

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Gerald Graham to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 6 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Davis, Clerk

July Meeting


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Supervisor Chris Burke at 6:07 p.m.

Attendance:  Supervisor Chris Burke; Supervisor Dan Ostrowski; Treasurer Ann Peterson; Clerk Christine Davis. Guests present were Matt Andraschko, Mike Andraschko, Dawn Andraschko. Chairman Gerald Graham was absent with prior notice.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the June 2022 monthly meeting.  Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for June was read by Ann Peterson with the following balances:  $38,622.34 in the NOW Checking Account and $159,679.08 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report as corrected.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the July bills for approval in the amount of $15,644.42.   A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence:Email from citizen requesting information for installing a dock on Silver Lake. Federated Co-op will reimburse any back sales tax as well as late fees incurred.  All future invoice statements will be emailed.

Public Input: 


  1. Road Maintenance- Roads will continue to be maintained as needed. Town road shoulders are being mowed.

  2. Washburn County will be providing a $2400 grant for the town to conduct an annual clean up day.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to set the date for Saturday, September 17th.. Motion carried without negative vote. 

  3. The first reading of Ordinance 22-1 was conducted. The ordinance states that the Silver Lake Beach and landing will close at 10 p.m. nightly. The second reading will occur at the August meeting.

  4. Mike Andraschko is interested in the process for the town to abandon up to 518’ of Copp Lane.  Ann Peterson emailed them the DoA information for discontinuances.  They will contact a surveyor and present a petition and map if they decide to move forward with the action.

  5. Clerk Davis contacted a lawyer to provide a legal review of the recently submitted Campground Ordinance draft.  The flat rate for review is $350.00.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve contracting the work. Motion carried without negative vote. 

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn.  Motion carried without negative vote. 

 Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 6 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Davis, Clerk

August Meeting

The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: Chairman Gerald Graham; Supervisor Dan Ostrowski; Clerk Christine Davis. No guests were present.
Supervisor Chris Burke and Treasurer Ann Peterson were absent with prior notice.
A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the minutes of the July 2022 monthly
meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.
The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for July was read by Christy Davis with the following balances: $46,429.05 in the NOW
Checking Account and $159,717.14 in the Money Market Investment Account. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and
seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report as corrected. Motion carried without negative vote.
Clerk Davis presented the August bills for approval in the amount of $15,326.90. A motion was made by Gerald Graham
and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote.
Correspondence: The town was notified of a 2 year timber sale on Popple Island Rd. The Washburn County Unit on Aging
is looking for written support of their programs to apply for a grant.
Public Input:
i. Road Maintenance- Roads will continue to be maintained as needed. Road grading will be done where
ii. The second reading of Ordinance 22-1 was conducted. The ordinance states that the Silver Lake Beach and
landing will close at 10 p.m. nightly. Discussion concerning wording for the ordinance was held. The discussion
will continue at the September meeting.
iii. Clerk Davis received the legal review of the recently submitted Campground Ordinance draft. Any decision
concerning the ordinance was tabled.
iv. A vacation rental ordinance was sought from the City of Shell Lake. They were not able to provide a finished
draft, however the Town of Chicog has an ordinance posted online. At the next meeting, the board will discuss
creating an ordinance for the Town of Brooklyn.
A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to adjourn. Motion carried without negative vote.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Davis, Clerk

September 2022


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:07 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham; Supervisor Chris Burke; Supervisor Dan Ostrowski; Treasurer Ann Peterson; Clerk Christine Davis. No guests were present. 

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the minutes of the August 2022 monthly meeting.  Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for August was read by Treasurer Ann Peterson with the following balances:  $30,352.09 in the NOW Checking Account and $178,835.20 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented an amended August reconciliation for approval in the amount of $16,080.90.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the amended amount.  The bills for September were presented in the amount of $453.42.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the disbursements. Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence: Northwood Tech has a Board position open if anyone is interested in applying.  The Humane Society is seeking donations.

Public Input: none


  1. Road Maintenance- Bids for paving Brooklyn Rd. west will be sought.  Bids will be opened at the October meeting.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to ask Gary Christman to fill in low spots on Brooklyn Road with gravel prior to beginning the paving project. Motion carried without negative vote. Limbs overhanging Brooklyn Road and Say Hi need to be cut.  Gerald Graham will make some calls to have the work completed. Patching and crack filling will continue as needed.

  2. Supervisor Dan Ostrowski sought information regarding the Silver Lake Landing Ordinance.  Washburn County has a nuisance ordinance in place that encompasses the issues arising at the landing.  Ordinance 22-1 will not be passed.  Local residents may report any issues to the county sheriff's office.

  3. Clerk Davis received the legal review of the recently submitted Campground Ordinance draft. Any decision concerning the ordinance was tabled. 

  4. The board discussed creating a short term rental ordinance for the Town of Brooklyn. Clerk Davis will draft an ordinance and application for the October meeting.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to adjourn.  Motion carried without negative vote. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 6 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Davis, Clerk

October 2022


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham; Supervisor Chris Burke; Clerk Christine Davis.  Supervisor Dan Ostrowski and Treasurer Ann Peterson were absent by previous arrangements.  Brock, a representative from Monarch, was present. 

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded byChris Burke to approve the minutes of the September 2022 monthly meeting.  Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for September was read by Clerk Davis with the following balances:  $30,136.16 in the NOW Checking Account and $178,894.00 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded byGerald Graham to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the October disbursements for approval in the amount of $30,305.76.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded byGerald Graham to approve the disbursements. The balance of the NOW account was sufficient to pay all the bills without transferring monies due to the final receipt of the town Transportation Aid.   Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence: none

Public Input: none


  1. Road Maintenance- Bids for paving Brooklyn Rd. west were opened.  Bids were received from Monarch and SB Madison.  The bid from SB Madison was for shoulder work only.  The bid from Monarch was $158,721.69 including $146,900.19 for paving and $11,821.50 for 426 tons of material for the shoulder work.  The SB Madison bid for shouldering was $11,900.00 for 300 yards of material.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Gerald Graham to accept the Monarch bid for paving and shouldering.  Motion carried without negative vote. 

  2. The board discussed creating a short term rental ordinance for the Town of Brooklyn. Clerk Davis presented a draft ordinance.  The first reading is set for the November meeting.

  3. Chairman Graham motioned to set the Elector’s Meeting and following Budget Hearing for November 15, 2022 at 6 p.m.  Additionally, the regular monthly Board meeting will follow.  The motion was seconded by Chris Burke.  Motion carried without negative vote. 

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke  to adjourn.  Motion carried without negative vote. 

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 following the Electors meeting and Budget Hearing.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Davis, Clerk

November 2022


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:21 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham; Supervisor Chris Burke by phone; Supervisor Dan Ostrowski;  Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis. Guests present were Caryl Ligler and Mr. Davidson.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the minutes of the October 2022 monthly meeting as corrected to reflect the correct meeting date in November.  Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for October was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances:  $19,425.18 in the NOW Checking Account and $178,969.97 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the November disbursements for approval in the amount of $13,817.82.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence: Letter from Department of Revenue as a first notice of non-compliance for real estate valuations.  Letter from the Town Advocacy Council seeking membership.

Public Input: Caryl Ligler asked for work to be discussed concerning the intersection of Oak Ridge Dr. and Shady Lane.  At the minimum, please repost the stop sign and street sign.  The board will discuss restructuring the intersection and address the safety concerns at the May Road Inspection tour.


  1. Road Maintenance- The county sent a municipal material letter of agreement to arrange material pick up.  The Town will authorize Statewide Surfacing to pick up materials in order to salt/sand Say Hi rd.

  2. The Minong Fire and Ambulance contracts were presented for approval.  The contracted amount for the Fire Department is $14,816.35.  The contracted amount for the ambulance service is $5,290.54. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the contracts for 2023.  Motion carried without negative vote.

  3. The 2023 Budget was presented for approval in the amount of $169,352.06.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the budget for 2023.  Motion carried without negative vote.

  4. Clerk Davis read the first reading of the Short Term Rental ordinance 2022-01.  The second reading and discussion is set for the December meeting.

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostowski to adjourn.  Motion carried without negative vote. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 6 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Davis, Clerk

December 2022


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham; Supervisor Chris Burke; Supervisor Dan Ostrowski;  Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis.

Guests present were Steve and Karen Grotting, Janice McNitt.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the November 2022 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for November was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances:  $18,483.62 in the NOW Checking Account and $179,043.52 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the December disbursements for approval in the amount of $50,435.30.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to transfer $33,000 from the money market account to the checking account and approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence: Letter from DLP containing power saving opportunities and tips.

Public Input: Emails from Rory Braenne, Jim Marchlewitz and Steve Grotting were presented in opposition to the Short Term Rental Ordinance.  In addition, Mr. Grotting presented information pertaining to high levels of chloride in water systems due to the use of salt/sand when treating roads in the winter.  He requested the town move to pre-treating roads which would reduce the levels of chloride.


  1. Road Maintenance- A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to authorize a prepayment of $50,000.00 to Monarch Paving for the work to be completed in 2023 on Brooklyn Road. Motion carried without a negative vote.  The county will be contacted to brush mow on Lakeside Rd., East Rd., and Haynes Rd.

  2. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to table passing the Short Term Rental Ordinance in light of emails and concerns from the public.  Motion carried without negative vote.

  3.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to set the Town caucus for January 10, 2023 at 6 p.m.  Motion carried without negative vote.

A motion was made by Dan Ostowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to adjourn.  Motion carried without negative vote. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 following the caucus.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Agenda & Minutes

2023 Meeting Minutes

All posted minutes subject to Board approval at the next monthly meeting.

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

January Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:06 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, and Treasurer Ann Peterson Clerk Christine Davis was absent with prior notification. 

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2022 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for December was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $3,448.32 in the NOW Checking Account and $146,043.52 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Treasurer Peterson presented the January disbursements in the amount of $150,693.64.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to transfer $150,000 from the money market account to the checking account and approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence: The Town received notification of a Forest Law Designation being applied to a parcel of land owned by the Gronski/Tully family. 

Public Input: None was offered. 


  1. Road Maintenance- Washburn County Highway Department has been doing a good job of plowing. The salt/sand that was put down along with the clearing on Lakeside and Shady Lane has helped. There are a few places where the roads are getting narrow from the snowbanks. These areas can be plowed down and then winged back farther in the future. 

  1. A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to set the 2022 Audit for Tuesday February 14, 2023 immediately following the regularly scheduled town board meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

  1. Short Term Rental Ordinance – Steve Grotting phoned Chairman Gerald Graham prior to the meeting to ask if there would be any action on this item at the meeting. He volunteered to try and get a list of properties within the Town that have registered with the State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue as short-term rentals. The Board discussed the proposed ordinance and the difficulty there would be in enforcing the ordinance if a violation was discovered. The informal decision was made to table this agenda item until more information is available.

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to adjourn at 6:32 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Ann L. Peterson, Treasurer

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

February Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:02 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson, and Clerk Christine Davis 

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for January was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $24,329.43 in the NOW Checking Account and $413,869.30 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the February disbursements in the amount of $278,698.61.  A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to transfer $255,000 from the money market account to the checking account and approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


The Town received notification of a Forest Law Designation being applied to a parcel of land owned by TJL Real Estate LLC. 

The Town received a letter from the SASD superintendent concerning meeting with electors for a Q/A prior to the April election pertaining to the school referendum.   

Public Input: None was offered. 


  1. Road Maintenance-The board discussed a phone request for permission to use the town roads for moving logs off of the current landing site while the road bans are in place. The roads involved are Say Hi Road, Frost Rd and Lakeside Rd.  A motion was made to deny the request by Chairman Graham and seconded by Chris Burke. Motion carried without negative vote. 

  1. Short Term Rental Ordinance – Steve Grotting emailed the Clerk to provide contacts at the state level in an attempt to provide a list of current short term rentals.  The Board discussed the proposed ordinance and the difficulty there would be in gaining a list from the State. The informal decision was made to table this agenda item until more information is available.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to adjourn at 6:34 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. 
Respectfully submitted,

Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

March Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson, and Clerk Christine Davis No guests were present.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by  Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for January was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $23,835.66 in the NOW Checking Account and $196,485.35 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded byChris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the March disbursements in the amount of $10,860.48.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded byChris Burke to approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


Supervisor Dan Ostrowski received a text message concerning the need to plow town roads on Sundays in the event of heavy snow.  

The Town received updated mowing rates from Morgan Lawn Care for the 2023 year.

The Town received documentation for an intent to cut Tract 36-21 from Theodore J. Strzok, Jr. Logging LLC

Public Input: None was offered. 


  1. Road Maintenance-Road bans go into effect Thursday, March 16th at noon.  Supervisor Burke will post the needed weight limit signs.  The roads will continue to be plowed as needed.

  2. Due to the need for a property value re-evaluation, the assessment roll will not be prepared to hold an Open Book prior to July.  However, in accordance with state statute 70.47(1), an initial Board of Review will convene on May 9, 2023 at 5:45pm.  In accordance with state statute 70.47(3)(aL)1 the Board of Review will adjourn to July 31, 2023 with the Open Book meeting set for July 24, 2023. Supervisor Dan Ostrowski motioned to set the Open Book and Board of Review in conjunction with the assessors schedule as well as the dates set forth above. Supervisor Chris Burke seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

  3. The Board will not be attending the WTA district meeting this year.

  4. The Town liability insurance policy increased by $82 for a premium of $2216.00.  The workman comp policy premium decreased by $63 for a premium of $840.00.  Chairman Gerald Graham motioned to renew the insurance policies covering liability and workmans comp. as well as reject any additional coverages.  Supervisor Dan Ostrowski seconded the motion. Motion  carried without a negative vote.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 6:55 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 following the Annual meeting. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

April Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:21 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson, and Clerk Christine Davis No guests were present.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for March was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $12,977.76 in the NOW Checking Account and $196,605.49 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the April disbursements in the amount of $15,576.63.  A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


The WTA Unit Meeting agenda

Public Input: None was offered. 


  1. Road Maintenance- The road inspection date will be set for Monday, May 8 beginning from the Town Hall at 5 pm.  

  2. The Town property insurance policy increased by $30 for the 2023 renewal.  Supervisor Dan Ostrowski motioned to renew the insurance.  Gerald Graham seconded the motion. Motion  carried without a negative vote.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 6:50 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6pm. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

May Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:05 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson, and Clerk Christine Davis No guests were present.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for April was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $32,081.76 in the NOW Checking Account and $196,751.03 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the April disbursements in the amount of $12,928.84.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


Washburn County Bridge Petition Information.  A letter of appreciation was received from Caryl Ligler.  She especially appreciated the assistance from Supervisor Dan Ostrowski.  

Public Input: None was offered. 


  1. Road Maintenance- The county will continue to grate roads as needed this summer.  Lakeside Road north will need crack filling.

  2. Road Inspection - The road inspection determined several signs are missing or down on town roads.  Chairman Graham will order the needed road signs for Palmer and Shady Lane.  Blade patching will need to be done on south Lakeside Rd. Bramer Road needs to be sealed to extend its life until repaving in 2026. This is a rating year for the roads. A definitive list of the town road condition will be assessed and  any additional issues that arise will be addressed.

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 6:27 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 6pm. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

June Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson, and Clerk Christine Davis. Supervisor Chris Burke was available by phone.  No guests were present.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for May was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $20,141.76 in the NOW Checking Account and $196,884.44 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the May disbursements in the amount of $1096.98.  A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


Washburn county Emergency Management sent an information packet for the 2023 Emergency Preparedness and Response.  

Death certificate received for Jane Lindenfelser

Washburn County Clerk’s office sent information concerning the 2023 Municipal Clean up Day Grant. 

Public Input: None was offered. 


  1. Road Maintenance- The county will continue to grate roads as needed this summer.  A bid to crack fill Lakeside Rd north and Palmer Dr. was received from Scott Construction in the amount of $8538.00. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski to accept the Scott Construction bid.  Gerald Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried without a negative vote. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski to seek a bid for needed road work on Birchwood East including 2 culverts and gravel.  Gerald Graham seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

  2. A motion was made by Gerald Graham to renew the liquor licenses for Mack Lake Tavern and Silver Lake Saloon pending payment of fees.  The motion was seconded by Dan Ostrowski. Motion carried without a negative vote.  

  3. A motion was made by Gerald Graham to update the Board of Review policies according to the recommendations of the Wisconsin Towns Association.  Dan Ostrowski seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to adjourn at 6:32 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 6pm. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

July Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Treasurer Ann Peterson, and Clerk Christine Davis. Supervisor Chris Burke was absent by prior arrangement.  Guests present were Ron Severson, Phil Sylla, Deb Hammock, Paul Hammock, Sue Kending, Rosemary Delaney, and Pat Delaney.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the amended minutes of the June 13, 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for June was read by Treasurer Peterson with the following balances: $24,121.25 in the NOW Checking Account and $197,005.81 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Gerald Grahami and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented theJuly disbursements in the amount of $121,617.778.  A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to transfer $80,000.00 from the Money Market account to the NOW checking account and approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


Death certificate received for Stanley Ross

Washburn County Clerk’s office sent a 3 year compliance postcard for the septic system. 

Emails were received from Marette Jorgenson and Patrick Hansen pertaining to the County Campground Zoning Ordinance.

Public Input: All in attendance were in favor of the County Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Sylla would like to see an increase in the set back from the current draft.


  1. Road Maintenance- The Board is awaiting a bid for replacing culverts on Birchwood Dr. 

  1. The Fall clean up date was set for Saturday, September 16, 2023 from 9 am - 12 pm.

  2. Updated Board of Review Policies were presented by Clerk Davis.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the updates as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. 

  3.  A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Code of Ordinances Chapter 38, Article II, Division 24 as presented by the Washburn County Zoning Board.  Comments to increase the set back and limit the number of sites per acre were included.  Motion carried without negative vote. 

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to adjourn at 7:07 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 6pm. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

August Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski, Supervisor Chris Burke and Clerk Christine Davis. Treasurer Ann Peterson was absent by prior arrangement. No guests were present.

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the amended minutes of the July 11, 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for July was read by clerk Davis with the following balances: $6,590.93 in the NOW Checking Account and $117,098.42 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by  Chris Burke and seconded by Gerald Graham to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the August disbursements in the amount of $7,111.71.  A motion was made by  Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to transfer $2,000.00 from the Money Market account to the NOW checking account and approve the disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


Monarch Paving, ADRC, WI Dept. of Safety and Professional Services

Public Input: None


  1. Road Maintenance- A motion was made to approve NWRPC to perform the town PASER rating for $600 by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke.  Motion carried without negative vote.  The Board is awaiting updated bids for digging clay pockets out, filling pockets with gravel and pulverizing Birchwood Dr. 

  2. The town donated four buckets of blacktop to Christ Lutheran Church of Lampson to reduce the tripping hazard created by crumbling pavement as it meets the sidewalk. 

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 6:23 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 12 , 2023 at 6pm. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

September Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis. Supervisor Dan Ostrowski was absent. No guests were present.

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the amended minutes of the August 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for August was read by Ann Peterson with the following balances: $1481.19 in the NOW Checking Account and $133,180.85 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the updated disbursements for August in the amount of $7,111.71.  Clerk Davis presented the September disbursements in the amount of $34,539.65.  A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to transfer $34,000.00 from the Money Market account to the NOW checking account, approve the amended disbursements for August and approve the September disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 


Mr. Harvey Radke, Washburn County Clerk’s Office, culvert vendor-Subsurface, INC.

Public Input: None


  1. Road Maintenance- The county completed the gravel, pulverize and blade work on Birchwood Dr.  The county will look at Say Hi road to determine if it can be bladed also.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Gerald Graham to adjourn at 6:28 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 10 , 2023 at 6pm. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

October Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:01 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski,Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis.  No guests were present.

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the September 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for September was read by Ann Peterson with the following balances: $1,084.33 in the NOW Checking Account and $99,598.67 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the disbursements for October in the amount of $17,035.88.   A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to transfer $17,000.00 from the Money Market account to the NOW checking account, and approve the October disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence: None

Public Input: None


  1. Road Maintenance- Birchwood has been ground and graded.  No grading will be done on Say Hi for the time being.  Gary Christman will patch any holes prior to winter.  Say Hi road needs to be pulverized and reshaped as well as the blacktop evaluated on the 8/10 mile section.  The county will be contracted to handle snow plowing the town roads this winter.  The culvert on Lakeside will be checked periodically to monitor beaver activity.  

  2. Chairman Gerald Graham motioned to set the elector meeting and budget hearing for Tuesday, November 14, 2023.  The regular board meeting will follow.  The motion was seconded by Dan Ostrowski.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to adjourn at 6:15 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 14 , 2023 following the Budget hearing.. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

November Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:30 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski,Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis.  No guests were present.

A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the minutes of the October 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for October was read by Ann Peterson with the following balances: $21,196.45 in the NOW Checking Account and $82,656.82 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the disbursements for November in the amount of $17,579.47.   A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the November disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence: NWRPC-Senior resident transportation options

      WTA-TAC membership and dues information for 2024

                             Community Insurance-new underwriting policy for cyber security

      Municipal Property Insurance Company-new underwriting policy for new


Public Input: None


  1. Road Maintenance- Roads will be maintained as needed.  Washburn County will provide snow plowing for the winter.  The culvert on Lakeside will be checked again to monitor possible beaver activity.  

  2. Ed Short submitted an estimate for remapping and pinning the Lampson Cemetery.  This will make locating burial plots more efficient and accurate.  The mapping into a CAD file will be $350.  Field time determining boundary is $450.  Setting locations using GPS mapping is $110/hour.  The Town will provide needed materials to be set as visual markers.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski to approve the project.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

  3. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the 2024 Minong Fire Department service contract in the amount of $14,621.95 and the 2024 Minong Ambulance service contract in the amount of $8,200.81.  Payments to be made quarterly.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

  4. Gerald Graham motioned to approve the 2024 Town Budget for $194,046.27.  Motion was seconded by Dan Ostrowski.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 7:01 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text

December Meeting Minutes


The Brooklyn Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Graham at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald Graham, Supervisor Chris Burke, Supervisor Dan Ostrowski,Treasurer Ann Peterson and Clerk Christine Davis.  No guests were present.

A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the minutes of the November 2023 monthly meeting. Motion carried without negative vote.

The Treasurer’s Cash Summary for November was read by Ann Peterson with the following balances: $17,538.61 in the NOW Checking Account and $82,707.77 in the Money Market Investment Account.  A motion was made by Chris Burke and seconded by Dan Ostrowski  to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried without negative vote.

Clerk Davis presented the disbursements for December in the amount of $4,558.74.   A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the monthly disbursements.   Motion carried without negative vote. 

Correspondence: Letter from Senator Romaine Quinn - thank you and increase in shared revenue

        WI DNR Findings of Fact - MFL designation

Public Input: None


  1. Road Maintenance- Roads will be maintained as needed.  Washburn County will brush/mow north Lakeside; branches on Say Hi will be cut back; PASER rating submitted to state.

  2. A motion was made by Dan Ostrowski and seconded by Chris Burke to approve the 2024 -2025 Election Official appointments. Motion carried without a negative vote.

  3. A verbal vote to approve the 2023 Budget resolution amending the Highway Expenses was recorded as AYE=3, NAY=0; ABSTAIN=0

A motion was made by Gerald Graham and seconded by Chris Burke to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. 

Respectfully submitted, Christy Davis, Clerk

Archived Meeting Minutes: Text
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